In the form … of a statement: a wider literacy understanding should extend to the awareness and expressive use of communication through images and sounds. Critical viewers are not just critical internet surfers or critical generators of information (2019).

A list of questions that would be applicable to any film thus making it possible to compare the students’ competences of analysis (2020). Also uploaded in Film Education: a User’s Guide,

Also please refer to AV educational activity “Variations on a theme” where a model for watching and discussing films is specially addressing to teachers with no prior acquaintance with cinema.

The proposed methodology as well as the standard tools used to evaluate students’ video productions by other students. Teachers are welcome to implement it in various video projects using their own collection of videos (2016). Also in YouthDOCs (page 41).

Pupils’ acquaintance with forms of audiovisual expression (2005).

The proposal for a Curriculum of Audiovisual Education, within the wider field of Culture and Aesthetic Education as assigned by the Greek Ministry of Education in the context of designing a new National Curriculum for all subjects of Compulsory Education (2017).

The view of the Workshop for the Audiovisual Expression in the ‘MELINA PROJECT: Education and Culture’ (in Videomuseums – recording traces of our subjective culture: Audiovisual Education for young people, 2012).